Sunday, March 27, 2005

Weekend of Week 12.. 3 weeks to exams...

Finally bought my very own copy of Frozen Throne! Yeah! But I promised myself to play only after exams.Oh well, as long as I'm not home, I won't be able to play it.But, it surely got me started. I restarted playing my WarCraft III. It's so fun! :) hahaha

Brought stuffs back home to study, but ended up only giving myself extra muscle training.

BUT!! I managed to finish reading my GP01 Mind of Sun Tzu's Text Book!! Cool right?! Finally!! Now to start work on my essay! (Personal Reflections)

My current Progress: 5/20 pages

I target to hit 20, wonder if that can be done. Only used up so few of my resources, but my writing doesn't seem to be flowing.. hmmm...

Wonder if my girlfriend's back in shanghai already.. She was touring Wuxi the day before.. nevermind la, shall wait for her SMS... :)