The Myth - Jackie Chan
Synopsis: Intrepid archeologist Jack and ambitious scientist William set out on an adventure that would lead them to the greatest discovery in Chinese history. Their journey starts at Desar, India, where they stumble upon an ancient sword from the Qin dynasty and a magical gemstone that appears to be able to defy the force of gravity. The booty not only leads them to the mythical mausoleum, but it also connects Jack to his dark past life...
Starring Stars from Korea, Hong Kong and India.. If there's one movie that you've wanted to catch for this week, let it be this show man! It's finishing soon.. If my deductions are correct, it'll be taken off the schedule for the movie theatres in the coming week liao...Catch it while u can!
My favourite scene has to be the part where General Meng Qi (Jackie Chan) was called for duty to retrieve the immortality pills from Qin's troops who were trapped by the treacherous Minister. He led his personal calvary in the light that the minister refused his request to proceed out with the imperial guards guarding the ailing Qin Shi Huang.
General Meng Qi knew it was a suicide mission, called out for his troops who have family to take care off, to exit from the ranks...but the soldiers, having been through thin and thick with him, though fell out from the ranks, they still mounted their war horses and followed their general throughout...This scene really moved me...
Other parts of the show has to be the fast and furious moves when the actors wield their weapons in defence or in attack. The moves are so well coordinated, that even though u know it's been rigged and that Jackie Chan will definitely win after all the hassle, the moves were still a feast for the eyes.
Another part of the film worth mentioning has to be the last scene, whereby the real tomb of Emperor Qin is featured.. in a weightless medium. The troops, war carriages and even the palace were built in midair.. though it's computer animation, but still it was visually stunning! The graphics designers really made it look like a heavenly palace...marvellous...
Do take time off to watch this show.. though it's pretty hilarious(Jackie Chan style) and out of this world, I still like the story line and how the producer switches between the past and the present life of the main character...
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